The Detail is in the Data

Project designs are more than just a work of art

The Trible SX10

Transforming a residential living space into a life-changing environment for you and your family is an adventure that many families only experience once or twice in their lifetime. Often, the most exciting time of the project for a family is the development of their vision into a photorealistic, 3D design.

These designs are a work of art! They allow you to see your project from any angle you would like. A few companies, like us, are even able to fly you around your project on a large screen or let you view a 360 view of your entire project utilizing virtual reality. As a customer, seeing your project in 3D is one of the most exciting parts of the project.

Imagine your surprise, however, when the company you hired comes back to you and states that they cannot accomplish what they showed you in the initial design. “Well”, they say, “the design isn’t accurate, it was just developed to give you an idea of how it may look.”


Creating a customer’s vision must be much more than a pretty drawing. It must take into account all of the specifications and limitations of a project location. The property plan, location of the home and other existing structures, ground conditions, sewers, easements, and other factors can all affect the design.

Data from the Trimble SX10

Fortunately, Companies like Trimble are coming up with more and more solutions to assist with accuracy. Products like the Trimble SX10 scanning station combines surveying, imaging, and high-speed 3D scanning into one instrument.

Why does this matter? The accuracy of a design used to rely on someone visiting the job site and using a tape measure and level to create a layout of the property. They would get a very rough idea of the contours of the property and how it relates to the house.

Using a state-of-the-art product like the SX10 allows the design team to scan every inch of the property with pinpoint accuracy, often down to the millimeter. Basically, they use millions of points of data and create an exact replica of the property layout.

This means that the final 3D design that is presented to the customer is not only beautiful, but also an accurate depiction of the final product.

At PSW, we spare no expense in the accuracy of our designs. It is essential to create a customer’s vision that is not only beautiful, but thoughtful, functional, and, most importantly, accurate. Using innovative technology allows us to provide our customers with added services and values that simply cannot be matched in the Pittsburgh area.


The Evolution of the PSW Brand